Course booking steps
Course booking. Courses are booked via email to
In your booking email, please provide the following information:
- Name of the course, for example: Inshore Navigation shorebased course; Sailing Crew practical course
- For shorebased courses: start date of the course from the calendar
- For practical courses: course dates and destination from the calendar; for example: 8-12 June, Lauttasaari
- Name(s) of the participant(s)
- Billing email address
Confirmation of the booking. The School will confirm the booking via email.
Payment. Invoices will be sent via email. Paid invoice will confirm the place in the course. One invoice, or alternatively two invoices, will be sent depending on when the booking is done. If the booking is done less than 30 days before the course starts then one invoice (100%) will be sent. Otherwise, two equal (50% + 50%) invoices may be sent: the first invoice after the booking and the second invoice about 30 days before the course starts.
Course cancellation. If you have to cancel your participation more than 60 days before the course or cruise starts, we will refund any money paid less an administrative fee of 30 €. If the cancellation occurs 60 days or less before the start date, 25% of the total fee will be subject to a forfeit. If a cancellation occurs 30 days or less before the start date, 50% of the total fee will be subject to a forfeit. If a cancellation occurs 14 days or less before the start date, for any reason (including illness), no money will be returned. Interrupting the course for any reason (including illness) does not entitle you to a refund of the course fee. It is not possible to transfer the paid course fee from one course to another. We will refund the money received if we cannot carry out the course or cruise.
Joining information. We will send detailed joining information before the course or cruise starts.
We recommend you take out a travel insurance to cover personal injury, loss of gear, cancellation etc. As a company, we carry a third party liability insurance.