Shorebased navigation courses start about in three weeks: Inshore Navigation on 19 March and Coastal Navigation on 20 March 2016. Taking a navigation course is an excellent way to prepare for the coming sailing season. Knowledge gained from the inshore and coastal navigation courses is important to all boaters; sailors and motor boaters alike.

Inshore Navigation is for new boaters. You will learn the basics such as reading nautical chart, plotting your position and planning a safe route to your destination. Knowledge on the International Collision Regulations is vital for preventing collision with other boats and ships.

Coastal Navigation takes you to more advanced level as it addresses a variety of chart work position fixing methods as well as electronic navigation. Understanding weather phenomena such as low pressure system is a must for safe passage making. Boating in tidal water sea areas is something to experience. Coastal Navigation gives knowledge about how to deal with tidal currents and tidal heights.

There are places available in both courses. For details, please check the course calendar.